Sunday, November 21, 2010

DMX ass is in jail again, what's new?

This one here is a hot ass mess.. we gon pray for you Earl
11/21/2010- I really think he got a boo thang in there....Charged with using coke and OxyContin, and failing to submit to drug tests, Arizona police arrested him on Thursday for violating his latest probation. DMX has been in and out of jail over the last 10 years.

This one here need Jesus... BAD!!!!  Below is his rap sheet

1999 - arrested with wife on weapons charges in New Jersey; received fines and community service.

2000 - arrested for possession of marijuana in Buffalo, New York; sentenced to 15 days in jail and fined $400.

2001 - arrested again for marijuana possession; entered rehab in 2002.

2004 - arrested at JFK Airport in New York for cocaine possession, DUI and claiming to be a federal agent; pled guilty to reckless endangerment and sentenced to a conditional discharge.

2005 - pled guilty to violating the conditional discharge; sentenced to 70 days in jail.

2007 - charged with drug possession, animal cruelty and theft in Phoenix; sentenced to 90 days in jail.

2008 - arrested in Miami for failing to making court appearance in Phoenix.

2009 - charged with aggravated assault for threatening prison guard; sentenced to 18-months' probation.

2010 - served six months in jail for violating probation; sentenced in Los Angeles to another three months in jail on 2002 reckless driving charge.

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