Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Power of theeee most High..... Amazing, now this happened in 1950 but still awesome damnit!

No one was injured when a Nebraska church exploded in 1950 because all the members of the choir were late to rehearsal.

The West Side Baptist Church in Beatrice, Nebraska held their choir practices at 7:20 pm on Wednesdays. At 7:25 pm on the evening of Wednesday, March 1, 1950 (just five minutes into the scheduled rehearsal), the West Side Baptist Church EXPLODED!

Miraculously, not ONE of the 15 members of the church choir was present at the explosion - they were ALL late! Two women cited car trouble. The preacher and his wife were delayed by a dress that needed extra ironing. Still others had homework, overslept, heard a favorite song on the radio...some didn't even have a reason for their tardiness!

At any rate, the lives of the choir members were spared because every single one of them was over 5 minutes late! 

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