Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011, New year, New Decade, new things to experience

This year I have some things that I want to accomplish, just like last year, the things I needed to happen happened cause I did not give up on what I was trying to do. At times it seemed so far away but I stayed on it and made it happen for the benefit of my family, and thats why my daughter was able to have such a splendid Christmas cause I work hard and im focused on the tasks at hand when it's presented. 2011 wont be no different, I have some things I want completed by the end of the year and IT WILL GET DONE!!! My 2011 plans will pan out so that when 2012 comes I can get a house, that's my goal for the next year, A HOUSE, and with the love of God and God's love for me it will happen, this apartment living is for the birds it's time tothink BIG and react BIG. I want to thank everyone that reads my blog and share it with friends, its a fun hobby of mine that I do when im tipsy( hehe) Until we meet again....Deuces

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