Monday, January 10, 2011

35 years ago I was introduced to the world..... and I fell in love with breathing, lol

I called my parents and thanked them for getting it on and going half on a baby Jan 10Th 1976, lol.... I wanna say that I love life and all it's ups and downs, nothing, I said nothing can take it's place. I love the family that he has blessed me with and all the friends that I have met along the way, the fact that I will meet more friends is a prelude to more happiness:)I want to say that everything that has ever affected me good, bad or ugly is and have been welcomed in my life from day 1. I learn from each lesson that has been taught and I continue to learn. One thing in this life I have learned and that life -Being open-minded is the key to more knowledge, If you want to know more about the world you have to be open-minded. Give everything a chance(well most things, lol). and most importantly, be childlike in your approach to life. Live with joy, laugh a lot, be light hearted and happy. In my pursuit of happiness I will live by these rules until the day I take my last breathe....

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