Friday, October 1, 2010

What I saw today @ work, LOL!!

So i'm minding my own damn business driving down Bundy you know on the clock chillin, right?  I looked to my left and there's this sweet old lady she look a little confused and she takes off very slowly like most old folks does..... okay cut to the next light, why-o-why did I see a man letting his dog (y'all aint gon believe me) he just casually letting his dog lick his hahahaha!!!!  balls through his pants, WTF?  I see the strangest shit.  Last week, in S.M.(Santa Monica) I was strolling on the Promenade working and I notice this Asian dude digging his nose like they told him that the winning lottery ticket was up there I swear I just knew that his fingers was gonna go through his eyes.   One thing for sure is humans crack me theeee fk up.... period, I'm always amazed at shit people do when they think no one is looking.... well I have to be at work early so i'm gone.  GN

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