Thursday, November 18, 2010

SAD!!! Ronni Chasen celebrity publicist shot and killed

Look at Morgan Freeman ole nasty ass, anyway here is Chasen and one of her clients.
Mannnn they shot her 5 times in the chest, that sounds very personal if you ask me, here is how the news is reporting it.  Police claim when they found her her passenger side window was rolled down, so either the person she was riding with did it or she trusted whomever came up to her vehicle enough to roll down the window.

Entertainment publicist Ronni Chasen was shot and killed around 12:30 am on November,2010. Police units arrived to the scene of what they believed to be a car accident on Sunset Blvd to find a little more than they had bargained for.
Police officers approached a Mercedes Benz that had crashed into a light pole and upon further investigation they discovered a female behind the wheel of the automobile, the woman had also been shot five times in the chest.
Discovering the identity of the female driver found it to be entertainment publicist Ronni Chasen, who was immediately rushed to Cedar Sinai Medical Center, where she was pronounced dead.
Hollywood Outbreak reporters talked with Bonnie Chastens' reps who confirmed the sad tragic news that Bonnie had passed away saying "not only is this the saddest day of our lives,but we don't know anything yet.
A full police investigation is underway, so far there has not been any concrete leads to go on to aid in clearing up what, why and who would do such a monstrous thing to someone so well liked and respected . Chasen was stated to have been at the premier of 'Burlesque ' on Monday evening.

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