Thursday, November 18, 2010

Y'all not gonna believe this one.... this one here is a nutcase.

Man beats up friend's baby because his is retarded

When Stephen Carty's friends invited him over for a party, they never suspected the 39-year-old pussy would attack their 20-month-old baby while it slept in a crib.  At some point during the night, Stephen excused himself from the party to use the restroom, but was seen returning from the direction of the baby's room. Luckily, the parents were overprotective ninnies and had cameras installed in the child's room. Video from the cameras showed Carty entering quietly and punching the sleeping baby in the back five times with such force that the child vomited on itself. When he was arrested, Carty said he had attacked the baby because his own daughter has Down's Syndrome and he thought people at the party were making fun of him for it.

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